Stephen Hobbs - How The Stories We Tell Ourself Create Well-being (or not)

The AutoImmune Hour show

Summary: Stephen Hobbs – How The Stories We Tell Ourself Create Well-being (or not)<br><br>Aired Friday, November 8, 2019 at 4:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM EST<br><br>Celebrating our 250th episode! Today, we explore how we create our narratives (stories) and assign meaning to them. These stories help create our current and future well-being. Join me, host Sharon Sayler and fellow ‘word-nerd’ Stephen Hobbs as we examine how we co-create the stories we tell our selves and how they often foretell our future.<br><br>Stephen Hobbs, co-founder of the International Mentoring Community is committed to the development of natural educators who deliver extraordinary experiences with their communities ‘in their words.’ In this episode, Stephen shares the importance of being mindful of the stories we are telling our self plus<br><br>• How we frame stories based on our past, present, and/or future create our outcomes,<br><br>• Why the way we share our life stories from our future including our health,<br><br>• Ways to design your future based on both history and mystery language and so much more…<br><br>About our Guest:<br><br>Stephen Hobbs is also an eco-creator, entrepreneur, writer, and philanthropist for children and trees. Stephen has published 15 books, book chapters, magazine articles, and blog posts. And, developed and delivered 500+ workshops and online courses around the world. Learn more at: <a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br><br>Join our philosophical exploration of how we form our future Friday, November 8th at 7PM ET and later in podcast and video.<br><br>The information provided on, Life Interrupted and The Autoimmune Hour is for educational purposes only.