#285: Loving Without Compromise

Java with Juli show

Summary: <p></p> <p>Yes, you can love a gay or lesbian friend without trying to change them. Sadly, many in the LGBT+ community feel shamed by Christians simply for <em>wrestling</em> with their sexuality. <span> </span>Join Juli and Dr. Preston Sprinkle for a conversation that will take you one step closer to seeing (and loving) your same-sex attracted friend or transgender neighbor as Christ does.</p> <p>Guest: <a href="https://www.prestonsprinkle.com/about">Dr. Preston Sprinkle</a></p> <p>Mentioned:</p> <ul> <li> <a href="https://www.prestonsprinkle.com/podcast">Theology in the Raw</a> (Preston’s podcast)</li> <li> <em><a href="https://www.leadthemhome.org/resources#.XbiZ82ZMHb0">Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones</a></em> (Book)</li> <li> <a href="https://www.prestonsprinkle.com/books"><em>People to Be Loved</em> </a>(Preston’s book)</li> </ul>