Ep. 30 | How to get better at upper body gymnastics

Function Being Will show

Summary: <p>On Episode 30 of the Big Dawgs Podcast, James FitzGerald talk about organizing upper body gymnastics training. While gymnastics training should cover multiple muscle groups, such as the core, shoulders, scapulas, and legs, James sees many people going wrong in their upper body gymnastics training. Thus he breaks down upper body gymnastics organization your yearly plan of strict strength, then into a focus on max contractions, then into a focus on dynamic power endurance work, while pay close attention to scapula strength and fatigue. </p> <p>Follow Big Dawgs <a href="@bigdawgsathlete">@bigdawgsathlete</a></p> <p>Follow James FitzGerald <a href="instagram.com/jfitzopex">@jfitzopex</a></p> <p><a href="www.thebigdawgs.com"><strong>www.thebigdawgs.com</strong></a></p>