Episode 360 - Top Ten Misheard Lyrics aka Mondegreens w/Ryan Stockstad

All Time Top Ten show

Summary: We all know those special moments, riding in a car with your buddies, singing along to your favorite song. We all know the dawning horror that creeps into your brain as you realize there's a lyric coming up that you've always sang a certain way, but you know deep down 'your' lyrics are way off and possibly embarrassing. What do you do? Stop singing? Sing gibberish? We think you should sing that all time refrain "give me the Beach Boys and free my soul" at the top of your lungs like the proud lyric misinterpreter that you are. The classic misheard lyric, or "mondegreen" as certain snooty individuals would call it, is one of the most fun and psychologically interesting topics in music, and that's what ATTT is all about this week. Music encyclopedia Ryan Stockstad joins to put his punk cred to the test and reveal some of his favorite and possibly humiliating misheard lyrics and we take a look at some of the classic mondegreens in rock. Sing incorrectly along with us! Ryan's Youtube series Halloween Horror Picks is (possibly) back getting a new season underway in time for Halloween. Check out some classic episodes while you wait for the new ones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVRiDw73ddw&list=PLi45zQyp9B6FkqCHlxqndk3iLU0qEOx5M Stream this playlist on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/alltimetopten/playlist/0OMGcbjib4JFfluY6fTwuk?si=FbNLAlnITiOutrFY6vqPUg