Ep. 102- The Skin and Diet Connection- The Root Cause of Skin Conditions with Jennifer Fugo

UpliftFit Nutrition show

Summary: In this episode, my guest Jennifer Fugo, MS, CNS, and I dive into the connection between skin and the diet & root causes of common skin conditions. Some of the key points in this conversation include: -What skin issues mean- why they can't be ignored! -Skin rashes and nutrition- common root causes (ex. eczema and psoriasis) -Nutrient deficiencies and skin -Food intolerances, overgrowths, dysbiosis and skin -Could food poisoning be what could have impacted your skin and gut health? -SIBO & skin- conenction in overexercising & undereating -Low stomach acid home test- why stomach acid matters! -Importance of getting OFF your workout clothes as soon as you can & washing (PLUS what to wash with!!) -Acne- what can be the root cause of non hormonal acne flares? -The trauma and mental health that can come with skin conditions -My own hair loss story -Nutrients to focus on for healthy skin care! My info: Website: www.upliftfit.org Instagram: www.instagram.com/faithandfit and www.instagram.com/upliftfitnutrition Twitter: twitter.com/laceyadunn Email: fitandfaith@gmail.com Jennifer's info: Website: www.Skinterrupt.com & https://www.jenniferfugo.com Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/jenniferfugo