MITOCHONDRIAL DYSFUNCTION: A Functional Medicine Approach Getting Rid of Fat, Fatigue, and Brain Fog

Healthier show

Summary: MITOCHONDRIAL DYSFUNCTION: A Functional Medicine Approach Getting Rid of Fat, Fatigue, and Brain Fog Interview with Reena Jadhav Michael Chang M.D., CFMP, is a board-certified physician in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and a certified functional medicine practitioner since 2012. He has a private practice Healed and Whole Clinic in Sunnyvale, California (Silicon Valley) since 2017, specializing in gut and mitochondrial health/anti-aging. Liked what you heard? Love what I am doing with my mission of spreading the truth about how we can live healthier, happier and longer? Then please SUBSCRIBE, RATE AND SHARE with your loved ones!! They will thank you for it :) Till next time, wishing you health, love, and joy! Link: