107 - Fighting The Clock - Athletic Training For All Ages

Defining Dad Bod show

Summary: Have you heard we’re all “fighting the clock”?<br><br>How POWERFULLY are you fighting?<br><br>Turns out that VERY intelligent training is VERY important to keep brain, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints as young as possible for as long as possible. <br><br>If you train smarter - not necessarily harder - you’ll be able to power train regularly.<br><br>And the whippersnappers don’t have a monopoly on the benefits<br><br>This show is made possible by those who join the inner circle<br><br>More information: definingdadbod.com/innercircle<br><br>Need help with your own program? <br><br>Apply for a free week: definingdadbod.com/trial<br><br>Agility Ladder Resource: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67XP-AekUoA" rel="noopener">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67XP-AekUoA</a><br><br>Get an Agility Ladder: <a href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01GPBXP86/ref" rel="noopener">https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01GPBXP86/ref</a>=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;creativeASIN=B01GPBXP86&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=definingdadbo-20&amp;linkId=fc1bd21ba5bd7b95ad1e74e257274ec3