Taking the stage: a development programme for women speakers in emergency medicine

EMJ podcast show

Summary: The Speaker Development Programme (SDP) is a prize-winning year-long curriculum aimed at developing women speakers as a step on the journey towards academic recognition. Editor-in-Chief of the Emergency Medicine Journal Professor Ellen Weber talks to Dr Dara Kass, the founder of this program. They also discuss the project FemInEm, an organisation dedicated to gender equity in emergency medicine. Read the related article on the EMJ website: (https://emj.bmj.com/content/early/2019/01/10/emermed-2018-207818). The commentary mentioned in the podcast will be published with the April issue of the journal. More papers mentioned in the podcast: - Are there too few women presenting at emergency medicine conferences? (https://emj.bmj.com/content/33/10/681) <p> - When will we have enough women speakers in emergency medicine? (https://emj.bmj.com/content/33/10/680)</p>