The “Shut Up” Challenge

Parenting Today’s Teens show

Summary: #2021 [announcer type voice] This Friday night … at the dinner table … don’t miss an important lecture from mom and dad on your latest big mistake! Hi, I’m Mark Gregston … with Parenting Today’s Teens. If you invited your teen to attend a lecture every time she did something wrong … do you think she’d ever show up? Yeah right! Parents tend to function in non-stop correction mode. But there’s nothing more destructive to your relationship with your teen than constant lecturing, nagging, and soap-boxing. So today, I urge you to take the “Shut Up” Challenge. Now, at the risk of sounding rude … parents need to know that they can still teach vital lessons … without saying a single word. So take a step back. Give your child some space. Watch how the “Shut Up” Challenge can help your teen to Grow Up!