95 - How Can You Overcome Bad Genetics? Mind-Blowing Science That Will Change Your Life.

Defining Dad Bod show

Summary: "With faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move a mountain" <br><br>Powerful words to be sure...but what about a barbell...what about your run? What about the willpower required to make you move dinner from the fridge to the table?<br><br>Does belief have anything to do with your health and fitness?<br><br>Well we're finding that genetics -- the hand you're dealt has ALOT to do with how healthy and fit you can become in life. <br><br>There are genes that code for your ability to process carbohydrates. Genes that mitigate risk for cardiovascular disease. Even genes that make you great at running long distance vs. genes that make you tire quickly...<br><br>But what if I told you that the hand you're dealt doesn't matter if you don't have a powerful mindset? What if belief has a more powerful effect on you than even your genetic makeup. <br><br>Sounds far-fetched, doesn't it?<br><br>Join me for this amazing discussion in the inner circle over two studies that are challenging us by turning this assumption on its head. <br><br>It turns out that sports science and sports psychology are coming together to being to explore this scientifically -- and the results are no less than mind-blowing.<br><br>Join the inner circle <br>definingdadbod.com/innercircle<br><br>Train with Coach Al<br>Virtual - definingdadbod.com/trial<br>Conway/Greenbrier - definingdadbod.com/training<br><br>Source Article - The studies<br> <a href="https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2018/12/just-thinking-you-have-poor-endurance-genes-changes-your-body?fbclid=IwAR3V-ylsLAnjKE0vgXvnOM-p6TvfzczmAVsa-Q_nlOT8swJA3v-MH0Y-Adc" rel="noopener">https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2018/12/just-thinking-you-have-poor-endurance-genes-changes-your-body?fbclid=IwAR3V-ylsLAnjKE0vgXvnOM-p6TvfzczmAVsa-Q_nlOT8swJA3v-MH0Y-Adc</a> <br><br>Get Weekly Updates!<br>definingdadbod.com/ddb1