Shielding From Danger

Parenting Today’s Teens show

Summary: Adam was a good kid who came from a Christian home. But when he transformed into a disrespectful, dishonest, and rebellious teen, his parents turned to me for help. Hi, I’m Mark Gregston … with Parenting Today’s Teens. When I sat down to talk with Adam, this is what he told me: He was only allowed to watch G- rated movies. He couldn’t wear t-shirts with any insignia of any kind. He couldn’t go out during the week, unless it was for church. He was only allowed to listen to Christian music. And this kid was seventeen years old! Now, Adam’s parents had good intentions. They followed their protective instincts. But their rigid boundaries actually drove their son to rebellion. Are you trying to shield your teen from danger? Train him for the world in which he’ll live … not the world you wish he could live in!