Ep. 8: An Approach to Apologizing

Living Through show

Summary:   We're cracking open the egg of apologizing.  For some folks apologizing can be INCREDIBLY hard!!  And for others, not apologizing is what is incredibly hard.  Some of us apologize for EVERYTHING, even if there is nothing to be sorry about. We apologize when we did something wrong, we empathize or are compassionate when we didn't do anything wrong, when it isn't our fault or there isn't anything for us to own but we see or sense suffering or hurt or discomfort. Where do I catch myself apologizing when I don't need to? When feelings are involved, when there is a possibility for judgement, when someone disagrees with me or has a differing perception or opinion When do others' apologies not jive with me?  Any time an apology is hinged to an excuse or perspective, when an excuse is camouflaged in an apology or when a perspective or opinion is camouflaged in an apology. Join me as we venture into apologies.