Episode 33 ~ The Essence of my Mothering Connection ~ My conversation with Margie Skimming

Heart of Connection Podcast show

Summary: <p>Mark [0:00] Hello, Margie.  Welcome to the Heart of Connection podcast.  I’m your host, Mark Randall and it’s a real pleasure to be able to sit with you for the next 30 minutes to have a conversation about the heart connection.  Just by way of getting started, would you mind giving a little bit of an introduction to your kind self?</p> <h1> <strong style="font-size: 16px;"> </strong><strong>My Connection Story ~ Margie’s Introduction</strong> </h1> <p><img class="alignright size-medium wp-image-1982" src="https://www.empoweredchange.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Margie-Skimming-Profile-Photo-225x300.jpg" alt="" width="225" height="300">Margie [0:19] Hi Mark and thank you for having me.  I’m a mother of three.  That’s I guess my purpose in life is a mother and that comes first with everything.  I’m a nurse by trade I guess.   I worked in many areas of nursing, but I keep going back to mental health and I have a passion for perinatal area of mental health and substance use.</p> <p>Mark [0:53] Is there a connection to it?</p> <h1><strong>The Empowerment of Mothering</strong></h1> <p>Margie [0:56] I think so.  I guess I’m a mother, so for me, you know, there’s a bit of a mothering thing, but in mothering, what I really value about mothering is empowering.  I think it’s really important to empower yourself and your children and family.  To be able to take control and decide what they want to do with their life and how they want to get there.  I think that’s really important, and I guess that’s why I keep going back to mental health.</p> <p>Mark [1:33] And when you step away, what draws you back?</p> <p>Margie [1:38] So – It’s that I can sit and be with people.  It is not task oriented as in other areas of nursing.   It’s just – it’s being with people. They allow you to come into their lives and they trust you and they value you and you see people change.  Even if it’s just the slightest little bit, by helping them to empower themselves that change occurs, it’s rewarding.</p> <p>Mark [2:13] As you’re sharing that with me, is there a connection in that process of change between you and the client or you and the person you’re working with?</p> <h1><strong>Connections Help Understand Who We Are</strong></h1> <p>Margie [2:23] Yes, there is because those connections are about helping them to understand who they are.  I try to do that just through my observations and getting to know them.  It is helping them to develop their awareness of themselves and how they react, how they respond, how they think about what’s happening in their world.</p> <p><img class="alignright size-medium wp-image-1983" src="https://www.empoweredchange.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Margie-fog-foggy-forest-158607-300x169.jpg" alt="" width="300" height="169"></p>