One Secret to Next-Level What Matters Most

Mental Toughness Mastery Podcast with Sheryl Kline, M.A. CHPC show

Summary: Growing up, no one told me that life can be hard sometimes. Raising kids, growing a business, running a marathon, and contributing to the community can be incredibly rewarding. And hard. We can learn a lot from world-class performers. They dream big, do small often and consistently, and they fail (a lot). Are Olympians, accomplished musicians, senior leaders, and those who are starting movements to make the world a better place equipped with super powers, an abnormally high IQ (well, some are but not a prerequisite) or an extra "success" chromosome? According to Angela Duckworth, the author of Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, the answer is "no." In order to be world-class at what’s most important to us, we must commit to attempting what’s hard for us. We must be intentional about pushing ourselves to do things that are difficult and then stick with it for a specific amount of time. If you want to get better at something that’s important to you, choose a difficult goal (and get busy :). Here are a couple ways to get started: Ask Yourself What Is Important and Why? It’s important to choose something difficult and that you connect it to a high level of purpose. For example, "I want to help 10,000 women to be Mentally Tough. I feel their highest contribution to themselves, their families, their companies and to the world as well as their personal happiness, depend on them having a world-class mindset." Get Accountable. Find someone who is more knowledgeable than yourself to learn from. This has been proven by Dr. Anders Ericsson, author of Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise. We must learn from an expert who will push us outside our comfort zone and then be willing to try and try again. Celebrate the Wins and Neutralize the Setbacks. It’s important to surround big and small wins with lots of emotion, especially when attempting something difficult. As for the setbacks, and there will be setbacks with high ambitions, be sure to process them in a logical and matter of fact way. For example, "I’ve been ignored by Oracle for months (purely hypothetical:) which is a setback for my goal of helping 10,000 women to be mentally tough." "That’s frustrating, but I accept the frustration and will keep following up." "I crushed VMware last week and continue to transform lives from the in-person and global attendees there. I choose to celebrate that!" So, run farther, jump higher, try a different hobby, or go for something at work that you think is beyond your reach. You are only limited by what you think is possible, and others will cheer you on and follow your lead to next-level something that matters; even if it’s hard.