Days of Wine and Roses roundtable – Episode 46

The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast show

Summary: We watched the movie Days of Wine and Roses with our friends Mark and Anna from the Recovered podcast. And then we sat down around a table and talked about it.<br> <br> If you have not seen the movie, you may want to read the plot summaries at IMDB. You can also rent it from Amazon Instant Video<br> or iTunes Movies.<br> <br> In our discussion, we addressed most of these questions:<br> <br> How do you feel this movie related to your experience?<br> In what ways did you feel that this movie was true to life? In what ways did it feel false or contrived?<br> Was the focus of the movie on the alcoholic/addict experience or codependent experience?<br> What myths about alcoholism in the 1960s does the movie try to dispel?<br> What aspects of alcoholism that is portrayed in the film are still true today?<br> What are your feelings about the way sponsorship was portrayed?<br> Who needed alanon?<br> What messages did you get from this movie about codependecy? Did it equate codependency with love? Did it portray codependency as something that caused unhappiness?<br> Did the movie show the alcoholic/addict as the cause for the unhappiness of the codependent? How did you feel about that?<br> What about the codependent experience in the movie would you have liked to greater detail on and why?<br> Who are the codependents and who are the alcoholics?<br> Is the movie hopeful?<br>