Getting Started in Al-Anon – Episode 49

The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast show

Summary: Are you new to Al-Anon? Do you wonder what to expect? What you should do immediately? What are the challenges we face early on? Does Al-Anon have its own “culture”? Then you’ve come to the right place, because today, we’re going to talk about getting started in Al-Anon.<br> <br> Spencer and guest host Wendy talk about our early experiences in Al-Anon, reflecting on what you might expect as you come to your first few meetings. We used this outline to guide our discussion.<br> <br> What should I expect when I come to my first meeting?<br> Greeting?<br> Literature?<br> Meeting format?<br> What should I do “immediately”?<br> Go to meetings!<br> Buy and read literature!<br> Talk in the meeting?<br> Get a phone list?<br> Get a sponsor?<br> Start working the steps?<br> What are some early challenges?<br> The jargon?<br> Talking?<br> Listening?<br> Feeling safe?<br> Crying?<br> “God” talk?<br> Is there an Al-Anon culture? What is it?<br> Language/jargon?<br> Slogans?<br> How we interact with each other?