Communication – Episode 56

The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast show

Summary: Do you have trouble communicating your needs and feelings to your loved ones? Do your attempts to ask for what you want always degenerate into an argument? How have you learned to communicate better in this program? Today, Spencer, Maria and guest host Meishia talk about Communication.<br> <br> We started with this list of questions.<br> <br> How did you communicate in your relationships before you came to the program?<br> What special challenges to communication have you faced/seen in alcoholic relationships?<br> Which of these communication skills did you have then / do you have now? Listening attentively and openly. Stating your needs clearly. Using “I” statements.<br> Which of these communication problems did you have then / have you reduced or eliminated? Accusatory or judgemental statements. Expecting others to “read your mind”. Emotional reaction. Escalation to argument or fight<br> What are “I” statements? Why would you want to use them? How can they help to enhance communication and avoid emotional escalation?<br> Are you aware of the non-verbal signals you send?<br> <br> A well-written contribution from Adrienne sparked our conversation, and we just rolled on from there.