Tradition 2 – Episode 60

The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast show

Summary: Spencer and Adrienne discuss Tradition 2, which says “For our group purpose, there is but one authority - a loving god as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants - they do not govern.” Which, when you think about it, is a pretty radical statement. Have you been in any other groups that functioned without “leaders”? What does it mean that our leaders are “trusted servants?”<br> <br> We start with a reading from the blog al-anon journal about Tradition 2. Our discussion was shaped by these thoughts and questions:<br> <br> From Courage to Change Page 215:<br> We strive to conduct our meetings as a fellowship of equals and to practice rotation of leadership. No single member has the right to take charge.<br> When I insist on having my way, I am tampering with the spiritual nature of AlAnon as a whole<br> Any attempt to manage or direct is likely to have disastrous consequences for Group Harmony<br> Why do we have this tradition?<br> How can it work? Can it really work to have no one person deciding how things will be?<br> What is a “group conscience?” How is it determined?<br> Is this sort of like Steps 2 &amp; 3 for the group?<br> How can you use this tradition in your personal life?<br> In relationships<br> At work<br> With friends<br> How does Tradition 2 support Tradition 1 (welfare of the group comes first)?<br> Does this tradition remind me to not “take charge”?<br> What is a “trusted servant?” How do you lead without governing?<br>