Intuition or God’s Will? – Episode 61

The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast show

Summary: How do I know my Higher Power’s will, which I am told to pray for in Step 11? Is Intuition the same thing?<br> <br> Spencer does this one solo, with written participation by Ruth and Adrienne. He starts from this outline:<br> <br> What is intuition?<br> in·tu·i·tion<br> 1. the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.<br> synonyms: instinct, intuitiveness<br> 2. a thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning.<br> How do I know the will of my higher power?<br> Step 11: “conscious contact” through prayer and meditation<br> Make time to listen to HP<br> Go to meetings<br> Calm. Gut feeling.<br> Daily surrender (Step 3 / 7 prayers)<br> Can intuition be the voice of my higher power?<br> “Conscious contact” vs “instinctive / without conscious reasoning”<br> “still small voice”<br> What are warning signs that it is not my HP’s will?<br> Trying to control<br> Another person<br> outcomes<br> Dropping/ignoring program actions (meetings, reading, P&amp;M)<br> unmanageability, stress<br> scrambling, frenetic, frantic<br>