Changed Attitudes – Episode 62

The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast show

Summary: We say “changed attitudes can aid recovery”. But how do we change our attitudes? How does it help? Spencer and Rachel talk about changed attitudes.<br> <br> at·ti·tude<br> <br> a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person's behavior.<br> the orientation of an aircraft or spacecraft, relative to the direction of travel.<br> We used these questions to guide our discussion:<br> <br> What is “attitude” anyway?<br> Do I generally have a negative attitude or a positive attitude?<br> Can you make deliberate changes in attitude?<br> One definition: “Angle of approach”<br> If you use this definition, how does this change your answer?<br> Can you change your attitude by looking at your situation / events / other people from a different point of view?<br> Have you changed your attitudes since coming to the program?<br> How does a change in attitude help me to accept powerlessness?<br> To help me see what I *can* change?<br> To stop “taking it personally”?<br> What tools have helped you change attitude?<br> Steps?<br> Slogans?<br> Other people’s experience, strength and hope?<br> From meetings<br> Literature<br> “open” talks<br> Higher power, prayer, meditation<br> How have changes in attitude helped you<br> In relationships?<br> At work?<br> Dealing with the addict/alcoholic(s) in your live?<br> Living?