Tradition 4 – autonomy – Episode 69

The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast show

Summary: Do you like some meetings better than others? Do you wish all meetings would do things the same way? Do feel you should be able to do whatever you want, regardless of others? Stick around, because today, we’re going to talk about Tradition 4, which says “Each group should be autonomous, except in matters affecting another group or Al-Anon or AA as a whole.”<br> <br> Spencer and Rachel talk about Tradition 4. As we do, we consider these questions and others.<br> <br> What does this tradition say to you about how we can and cannot conduct our meetings?<br> What is autonomy?<br> How might the actions of a particular group affect “Alanon or AA as a whole”?<br> How does this tradition suggest that a group takes responsibility for their actions?<br> How can you apply this tradition to your own life?<br> How do you take responsibility for your own actions?<br> How do you allow others to take responsibility for their own actions?<br> Think about other groups you are a member of (family, affinity group, group of close friends).<br> Do these groups follow this tradition? What would happen if they did?