Living with alcoholism or addiction – Episode 70

The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast show

Summary: Do you wonder how you’re going to make it through another day with the drinking and chaos? Have you had thoughts of leaving or worse? Today we have 4 stories of living with active alcoholism or addiction.<br> <br> We hear personal stories from Julie, Jen, Maria, and Spencer. Each of us was given the following questions as a prompt, and although our stories are different, they are also the same.<br> <br> Tell me a little bit about your situation:<br> What relationship do you have with the active alcoholic or addict?<br> Is he or she living in your home?<br> How long have you been living with active alcoholism?<br> Are you still living with the alcoholic or have you separated?<br> How long have you been attending AlAnon meetings?<br> How long have you been working the AlAnon program, if that's different from the answer to the previous question?<br> How are you using the tools of the AlAnon program in your situation?<br> Which slogans do you find helpful?<br> How do you recognize your powerlessness?<br> What do you have power to affect or change?<br> Are you keeping the focus on yourself first?<br> Are you practicing detachment? With love?<br> Are you recognizing where you have enabled the alcoholic in the past?<br> How are you working to not enable now?<br> Has AlAnon helped you to be less angry, sad, scared, frustrated, anxious, (add your own favorite emotion here)?<br> What questions and issues are you struggling with now?<br> With respect to the alcoholic?<br> With respect to other family members such as children?<br> With respect to yourself?<br> With respect to the relationship you have with the alcoholic?<br>