Recovery on the Road interview with Mara – Episode 71

The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast show

Summary: How do you take recovery with you when you travel? I talked with Mara about her recent experience traveling for several months, and how she kept her recovery program alive.<br> <br> Our conversation was very loosely guided by these questions:<br> <br> Did you think about how you were going to take your recovery program with you before you left home?<br> What did you take with you? (Literature, phone numbers, meeting locations / list?)<br> What were your expectations about what you would find at your destination (that could support your recovery)?<br> How did you use what you brought?<br> Did you make program calls? Text? Email?<br> How did what happened match (or not) your expectations (of practicing recovery)?<br> Did you attend in-person meetings?<br> Did you attend online meetings?<br> What did you find challenging about practicing your recovery program while traveling?<br> How did your program help you enjoy your travel?<br> What else would you like to share about your experience?<br>