Tradition 6 – Episode 75

The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast show

Summary: Tradition 6 says “Our Family Groups ought never endorse, finance or lend our name to any outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property and prestige divert us from our primary spiritual aim. Although a separate entity, we should always co-operate with Alcoholics Anonymous.” What does this mean? How do we understand and apply it? How do we use it in our personal life?<br> <br> Spencer and Ruth talk about Tradition 6, guided by these questions:<br> <br> Why do I think we have this tradition?<br> What is “our primary spiritual aim”?<br> What are some examples of “outside enterprises”?<br> Religions<br> Treatment programs<br> Other 12-step programs<br> What are some hazards of promoting, endorsing, or talking about such “outside enterprises” in our meetings?<br> In what ways does Al-Anon “cooperate with AA”?<br> How can I apply this tradition in your personal life?<br> Am I allowing material or financial concerns to gain priority over my personal spiritual needs and serenity?<br> Am I allowing personal problems or successes to overwhelm me?<br> Am I letting them get in the way of how I treat others?<br> How do these slogans relate to Tradition 6?<br> Easy Does It<br> Keep It Simple<br> Live and Let Live<br> Let Go and Let God<br>