Suffering is Optional – Episode 82

The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast show

Summary: What do we mean when we say “Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional?” What’s the difference? How can we avoid suffering?<br> <br> Spencer and Maria share their experience about suffering and pain. We used this outline to guide our conversation.<br> <br> What distinction does the quote make between pain and suffering?<br> Does it make sense to say “suffering is pain plus a story we tell ourselves?”<br> What forms can suffering take?<br> Worry.<br> Obsession.<br> Despair.<br> Dullness.<br> Self-pity.<br> Isolation.<br> ?<br> What tools does Al-Anon give is to stop turning pain into suffering?<br> Let go and let God.<br> Just for today.<br> One day at a time.<br> Loving detachment.<br> How important is it?<br> Live and let live.<br> This too shall pass.<br> Patience.<br> Prayer.<br> Hope.<br> Attitude of gratitude.<br> Connection with others -- we are not alone.