Tradition 8 – Episode 83

The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast show

Summary: Do you find yourself looking for the “experts” in your meetings? Do you sometimes feel like you have nothing to offer? How do we help one another in Al-Anon? Today, we’re going to talk about Tradition 8, which states “Al-Anon Twelfth Step work should remain forever non-professional, but our service centers may employ special workers.”<br> <br> Spencer and Ruth talk about Tradition 8, guided by these thought questions.<br> <br> How does the reading match with my experience in Al-Anon?<br> Why do we have this tradition?<br> What are the advantages of a “fellowship of equals”?<br> What are the disadvantages?<br> Do I look to certain members as “experts”?<br> How can this be a problem for me?<br> How can this be a problem for them?<br> Do I sometimes feel reluctant to share because I’m not an “expert”?<br> Am I sometimes reluctant to share my problems because I feel I have to be “perfect” in my program?<br> How can I share with others without trying to fix them?<br> Am I sometimes “Mr or Ms Alanon”?<br> How/when am I judgemental?<br> How/when do I take others’ inventories?<br> What about paid employees (“special workers”)?<br> Final thoughts?