In the Moment – Episode 106

The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast show

Summary: What does it mean to live “in the moment?” How can I plan for tomorrow when I’m living “one day at a time”? How do I learn from past experiences if I don’t look back?<br> <br> How did/do I live not in the moment?<br> Anger and resentment – Living in the past.<br> Chewing over past actions – blaming (myself or others)<br> Fear and worry – Living in the future.<br> “Awfulizing”<br> What are aspects of living in the moment?<br> Take care of the things I can do now, let go of the things I cannot do.<br> Do the “next right thing”.<br> Be fully present in what is happening.<br> Listen<br> Notice the beauty around me<br> Enjoy what is good now (instead of ruminating on what was bad or worrying about what might be bad)<br> How can I practice living in the moment?<br> Cultivate an attitude of gratitude.<br> Focus on what is happening now.<br> Focus on the people I am with.<br> Listen – don’t be thinking about my agenda<br> Mindfulness meditation (or other meditative practice)<br> Body language – when my body is in an accepting, listening position, so is my mind.<br> Positive expectations – How they can shape interactions and actions. (“Batman” episode of This American Life and Invisibilia)<br> What about planning for the future and learning from the past?<br> There’s a difference between worrying about what might happen, and planning for what we would like to do.<br> We can and should look at our past in our inventory. We only need to let go of the desire to change it.