Participation, harmony, and being heard – Episode 114

The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast show

Summary: In your interactions with others, how do you find harmony? Do you sometimes feel that you are not heard? How do Concepts 4 and 5 help? Concept 4 says “Participation is the key to harmony.” and concept 5 states “The rights of appeal and petition protect minorities and insure that they be heard.”<br> <br> How do you understand Concept 4, “Participation is the key to harmony”?<br> What can I do to participate more fully?<br> When I participate in a group, do I feel more a part of it?<br> When I feel part of a group, is it easier for me to be in harmony with its workings?<br> Do I participate actively in my Al-Anon group? In other groups in my life?<br> How do my relationships benefit when I participate fully in all areas of my life?<br> How do I let others participate?<br> What if I disagree with a decision of the majority? Can I still be heard?<br> In Al-Anon?<br> In my workplace?<br> In my family?<br> With my friends?<br> How willing am I to listen to Al-Anon? my family? at work?<br> How do the “rights of appeal and petition” help me find my voice when I am in the minority?<br> Why is it important that minority opinions be expressed and heard?<br> How has learning that I have a right to speak up changed the way I feel about myself?<br> When is it just as important to keep my opinion to myself as it is to share it?<br> How can concept 5 help me change how I feel about people who disagree with me?<br> What can I do when I react negatively to someone’s opinion?<br> How can I use steps 1-3 and “Let Go and Let God” in conjunction with these two concepts?