Summary: This is your energy overview for our new Powerful cycle: 2019. 2019 carries a 3 vibration which will be governing all things Self-empowerment, Self-mastery, Sovereignty, Reclaiming one's worth. We will be called to cultivate more balance by re-establishing  and re-proclaiming healthy and loving boundaries for our self as a mirror of this self-worth. These boundaries then reflect physically as our giving and receiving, our physical abundance or the lack of it. As you can see above a lot of these words/themes start with self- hense this will be a time of returning inward. It will be a year of remembering how powerful you are as the Co-Creator of everything in your life.  This means we will be remembering and honoring that we are responsible for everything in our existence, we are the one who has created each and every connection and experience. As we acknowledge this, we sometimes have to face the uncomfortable parts of our self, the parts of us who are still attracting less than, but it this same awareness that also sets us free, free from victim-hood, from blaming others which takes away our power, free to redesign the life of our dreams and free to see the infinite potential before us. This year we're here to let go of the past, to stop allowing it to have control over our future and to command a new story on our highest behalf, IN THIS NOW MOMENT FOR NOW IS ALL WE HAVE, aligned with Oneness and Love. The big physical focus this year will be the Solar Plexus, gut health, along with the heart and throat along with these chakras. We'll be realigning these three in one unified field. I can't wait for all that is going to occur in 2019. It may continue to be challenging, revealing, illuminating, uncomfortable and will really call you to transform into a completely new self-identity, but overall it's going to strengthen you and open you up to a new level of your Divine Self-Expression that you, and the world, has been waiting for! Happy New year Luminous Ones.