Yael Stone's Geoffrey Rush Allegations & Tackling The 'Disease To Please'

After Work Drinks show

Summary: Merry Christmas to everyone except MP Andrew Broad who ruined our week and the phrase 'G'Day Mate' forever with his embarrassing sexting scandal. On a more serious note, we unpack Australian actress Yael Stone's sexual harassment allegations against Geoffrey Rush, and look at why #MeToo hasn't taken off in Australia. Plus, what Oprah says goes - how to tackle our inherent desire to be people pleasers. We’re taking a break for the next two weeks, but you can still get updates via our Facebook group, ‘After Work Drinks Podcast.’ Links: ‘We Deserve A Better Class Of Horny Text From Our Elected Representatives’ by James Hennessy for Pedestrian TV https://www.pedestrian.tv/news/politicians-horny-texts/ Izzy’s story on Ariana Grande grieving Mac Miller https://www.marieclaire.com.au/ariana-grande-milking-mac-miller-death Grace’s story on Meghan Markle (we’ll stop plugging ourselves/each other now, sorry) https://www.elle.com.au/culture/meghan-markle-bitch-19510 ‘The Cost of Telling a #MeToo Story in Australia’ by Bari Weiss for the New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/16/opinion/metoo-defamation-geoffrey-rush-yael-stone.html Yael Stone on ABC’s 7:30 with Leigh Sales https://iview.abc.net.au/show/7-30?fbclid=IwAR161MGd83zYzu32SDS6DIwONR1TNUKHbTTaDPE5gH67O4QGrYZUiK2x3nY ‘Help: I’m a People-Pleaser, and I Hate It’ by Allison P. Davis for The Cut https://www.thecut.com/2013/12/help-im-a-people-pleaser-and-i-hate-it.html ‘Gwyneth x Oprah: Power, Perception & Soul Purpose’ by Goop https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/cadence13/the-goop-podcast/e/53617700 ‘The Magic of Not Giving a F***’ - Sarah Knight for TED Talks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwRzjFQa_Og You can email us on afterworkdrinkspodcast@gmail.com, follow us on Instagram at @isabelletruman and @grceoneill or join our private Facebook group, 'After Work Drinks Podcast.' Please remember if you like After Work Drinks to rate, review, subscribe and share