Summary: 2018 was an incredibly vital year to our personal and collective ascension. We were blessed with the powerful 11 self-mastery vibration which called us to return to an even more Divine, pure, aligned, and sacred space with in our selves. Because of this call to return so immensely inward and to realign with our Highest selves, we had to clear everything that was hindering this highest potential that exists within us. We had to go ahead and make space for integration of this profound light by releasing the debris, the density, the veils that were hindering the world from seeing what we were truly made of. This call to Oneness manifested in a lot of ways that felt like complete upheaval and destruction so that we could recreate from a new foundation. We were asked to heal deep deep karmic wounds, traumas, fears and most importantly the repression of our Divine self-expression by the lower masculine. We watched this all play out collectively/globally in a massive way as well. Each and every experience was all an invitation to return back to our true love and to let go of the illusion of separation. 2019 is now quickly approaching and I Am so excited for the energy of the year to come. Tune in to find out what this new powerful cycle as in store for us individually and collectively. Highest Blessings. x