FDN Support Talk Radio

The Functional Health Coaching Show show

Summary: Ask the Mentors Episode Topics: Client case: female, has been on DRESS for almost 5 months based on GI MAP and MRT. Improvements are: her period normalized, digestion/elimination improved even she didn’t think she had a problem, sensitivity to smells went away (used to get a headache from smells), however main complaint these skin breakout has not improved at all. What additional test can help move this client forwardAmazon A-P and Amazon A-F…taken with or without food, or does it matterClient Case: with low energy and weight gain there was not much significant information on the BH205 except her DHEA was 42.6 of the charts high.Recommendations on allopathy for constipation while running testsIs there anyway for our clients to not see results prior to consult  from Neurogistics food sensitivityHow to interpret a client with borderline glucose-insulin reaction on Micronutrient testWhat is the recommended test for heavy metalsRecommendations for reputable matula tea sourcesOn the Oats Test – Does anyone know what the optimal range for Oxalates .