The Keys to Freedom as an Entrepreneur with Jessica Eley

Courage & Clarity show

Summary: <p>If you’re like me and most entrepreneurs, you dream of success and living a happy life on your own terms.  But how do you achieve this if every step of your journey you have to battle your own old programming? You started your business because you wanted to feel good, right?</p> <p>Maybe success will fix everything.  After my business took off this year,  I know this isn’t the case.</p> <p>So today Jessica Eley is back on the show! She’s a mindset coach for high achievers (did I mention she’s also my coach?) with an abundance of wisdom that I know you’re going to love. </p> <p>You’ll  hear about my specific challenges when it comes to mindset and how I’m working through them (no secrets here!)</p> <p>Today we’re diving into Jessica’s four quadrants theory to find out what fear is holding us back from the life and biz we want.</p> <p>Once you know where you land, this episode explains how to address your triggered reactions in a mindful and productive way.</p> <p>Plus we discuss why all entrepreneurs need to master the skills of detachment and ownership in order to not only succeed, but to enjoy their success!</p> <p>You can head over to Jessica’s site and take her quiz here.</p>