Ep. 29 - Community - Community's Role in Suffering with Rocky Bush

Adorned Podcast show

Summary: This week as we wrap up our series on community, we had the privilege of hearing Rocky Bush share her heart and tell her story about how God used her community in a time of pain and suffering.  We are so very thankful to Rocky for being vulnerable and even making us cry because we believe that this episode is so very important no matter what season of life you are in. Like we discuss in the episode, James 1 says “consider it pure joy WHENever you face trials of many kinds.”  Everyone is going to walk through seasons of difficulty. Whether you are the one relying on your community to lift you up or maybe it’s your turn to be that community for someone else, the Bible is clear that we need each other. We should be there to constantly point each other back to the cross and back to God.  Living in true, godly community can be messy at times, but when it functions as it should , it can really be oh so beautiful!   Quotes: “We may feel like we’re at the end of our rope, but we’re never at the end of out hope.  That hope is found in God and community is there to remind us of that. Community is there to constantly remind us of the cross and to help us stay focused on God.  They are there to celebrate the good times, but they’re also there for the times of suffering and they continue to point us back to the cross, to lift us up with their prayers and to be there for us.”      “Asking for help doesn’t make you weak, asking for help makes you stronger because you are defeating the enemy in that moment.”   “It’s ok to not be ok”   “In those times of suffering you can lose sight of what is true, so spending time in The Word reminds you of what really is true.  It gives you something that’s not shifting even when it feels like everything else is.”   “Suffering, pain and death are part of this world in which live. If we look at that suffering and judge the character of God by it then we are missing the point. It is what God has done about it that shows the heart of God.”   Resources: ESV Study Bible   *The beautiful music heard on today’s episode is by Katie Cobbs*