Episode 51: Interview with Icon Foods/Steviva Brands founder & "Guy Gone Keto" author, Thom King.

Keto Lifestyle with Jessica Tye, Nutritional Coach show

Summary: Thom King founded Steviva Brands, now Icon Foods, in 1999 when his passion for food and his concern about the explosion of metabolic diseases united in a mission of providing consumers healthy alternatives to sugar.  His work is responsible for food manufacturers creating products that contain 50% - 90% fewer sugars by replacing sugar and high fructose corn syrup in their products!  In recent years, his passion for food and optimal health have intersected with his embrace of a ketogenic (low carb, high fat) diet. Thom’s latest project is a line of ketogenic condiments intended to help more people successfully adopt a healthier lifestyle. The classic definition of success (lots of money) is not what inspires and motivates Thom.  His philosophy is “you aren’t doing well unless you’re also doing some good”. Thom’s first book, Guy Gone Keto, was released May 9, 2018.