The Alchemy of Desire

Transform your Mind  show

Summary: <br> <br> What is the Alchemy of Desire? – Desire can be called the feminine face of God! Desire is what God places in our spirit to lead us to our purpose. It is the key that unlocks what God placed you on this earth to do.<br> We have Desire for our partners physically and spiritually, we desire our careers, we desire to procreate and have children, we desire to be emotionally and physically healthy, we desire to be wealthy.<br> <br> So why the topic the Alchemy of Desire you ask again? <br> <br> My co-host today is Margo Blake, a One Taste coach. One Taste has a coaching workshop called the Alchemy of Desire. This workshop focuses on sexual desire; and I wanted to expand that Alchemy of sexual desire to encompass all desires. <br> <br> Let me share with you the meaning of Alchemy. <br> The dictionary calls Alchemy a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination. That includes. <br> "finding the person who's right for you requires a very subtle alchemy"<br> <br> The book the <a href="" target="_blank">Alchemy of Desire</a> was made famous by <br> by Tarun J. Tejpal<br> <br> In his book Mr Tajpal tells the story of a young couple, penniless but gloriously in love. Obsessed with each other, they move from a small town to the big city, where the man, who dreams of being a writer, works feverishly on a novel, stopping only to feed his ceaseless desire for his beautiful wife.<br> <br> A chance occurrence allows the lovers to abandon the city for a mist-shrouded spur of the lower Himalayas and move into a sprawling old house, which they hope will embody their love. At first they pursue their deep physical need with a reckless intensity. But during renovations of the house, a set of diaries written by the original inhabitant—a glamorous American adventuress—is unearthed, and the narrator finds himself irresistibly drawn away from his wife and thrust into another world and time, into the hole of history. As his life and love fall apart, he slowly begins to uncover the dark secrets at the heart of her story, until the shocking truth is laid bare and all certainties are overturned.<br> It also offers, in searing, lucid prose, a deeply sensual and moving meditation on the nature of desire, history, truth, and art.<br> <br> <br> The word desire does not only belong with sexual desires. As a mindset coach I created a work shop to help me and my clients manifest the desires of our hearts. As mentioned in the definition of the word Alchemy. Alchemy is the magical process of transformation and creation.<br> <br> • We must identify the desires we most want to have and then breathe life into them with the power of our emotions. <br> • To bring the quantum possibility into particle existence emotions is the key. <br> • Emotions is the only way to give power to our thoughts and animate them. <br> • When we focus conscious energy towards what is desired and give it life through emotion, what we desire will always show up. <br> • I teach my clients to create a list of all the attributes they desire. <br> • Its Like going into a restaurant and ordering your desire. What do you want to eat? <br> • You don’t just go into the restaurant and order whatever they are serving; so you shouldn’t do that with your life either. <br> • Be clear on what you want to create. It is important to live life from that vantage point. Imagine your most important desire is already yours, imagine that it is already happening. <br> • <br> To do this Ask yourself the following questions: <br> • 1. What is life like now that I have the thing I want the most? <br> • 2. How is life different than it was before when I didn’t have the thing that I want the most? <br> • 3. How is my time spent differently? <br> • 4. How does it feel when I wake up in the morning?