Episode 14: Katie Bennett of 2FabFitChicks

Strong Runner Chick Radio show

Summary: Today we have on Katie, former collegiate runner and current blogger at 2FabFitChicks! Katie’s love of running came randomly in the 7th grade and has lasted her since. She went on to run and become captain cross country, indoor and outdoor track in high school and ran for Boston College. More recent race highlights include: 1st place Xterra Georgia Battle at Big Creek 5 mile, 1st place Xterra Little Mulberry Creek 10k, 7th place Spinx Marathon and 14th place Savannah Rock N Roll Half. She is now a blogger with friend, Ashley, at 2FabFitChicks. Questions we ask Katie include: How did you get your start in running? You are a former D1 athlete, running for Boston College. What was your D1 experience like? Tell us more about how you started 2FabFitChicks with your friend, Ashley... How has this shaped your friendship? What are a few lessons you've learned along your journey in running? Give us a glimpse into your life outside of running. What are you currently training for? Any exciting life news/updates? What advice would you give to your younger self? What does being a Strong Runner Chick mean to you?