How BTR Services Will Help You Recover From Betrayal Trauma

Betrayal Trauma Recovery show

Summary: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Online, Professional Support For Abused Women<br> Having a daily support system is crucial when attempting to establish safety in your life. Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group is affordable--less expensive than many in-person groups and a lot less expensive than one-on-one coaching. The amount of privacy that is provided is ideal. You can get up at any time of night or morning and talk about the things on your mind.<br> The nice thing is someone is going to get back to you right away. <br> My initial training is in the area of the sex addiction itself. I did the training through the American Association of Sex Addiction Therapy. I did actually follow up with that to get certification to work with those sex addicts and the partner, although today I am more interested in working just with the partners and occasionally couples. There was a very strong intimacy anorexia component to this training so I am very comfortable working with women who are struggling with this particular issue in their marriage.<br> While I am a partner myself, I am very familiar with betrayal trauma from a personal experience standpoint. After finishing training with AASA, I really wanted to be trained by APSATS - <a href="">the Association of Partners of Sex Addiction Trauma Specialists</a>. I knew I really wanted the in-depth knowledge and up-to-date information on how to address partner trauma. I had experienced it myself but it was wonderful to get the training by Barb Stephens and get all of the up-to-date information on it.<br> Professional Support Services For Wives Of Sex Addicts<br> I have also completed the coursework to be certified in therapeutic separation in order to assist couples who are interested in exploring how various forms of separation can help them explore the future of their relationship. I want to say a little about this because I don't ever want anyone to think that I am encouraging separation. What I have found in this training is that probably 99% of us are in a form of separation from our partners anyway because it includes a psychological separation. What this training has given me is a 10-step process or framework to help them go this period in a structured way and really look and see what they need to make the relationship work.<br> Lastly, I have training as a Stephen's Minister which means I can offer Christian-led coaching. I am very well versed in client's processing grief and spiritual questions. Not that I have the answers to all of those questions necessarily but I am definitely comfortable sitting with people in their grief and processing those questions with them.<br> Anne: Those are good things to know, Coach Laura. This is what I love about our coaches--they are experts in these topics, helping women in Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group and in individual sessions.<br> Coach Laura, what principles stand out most as you coach women through this process?<br> How Do I Heal From My Husband's Cheating?<br> Coach Laura: All of the APSATS coaches on BTR follow the APSATS model of having the three phases of trauma healing: safety and stabilization, grieving and processing, and reconnection. Of course this isn't necessarily a linear process but among those stages, there are key principles that I work with my clients on.<br> In the safety and stabilization stage, I really stress the importance of values, living and setting boundaries to protect the values,