Episode 60 - Lorna Kleidman 3x Kettlebell World Champion, 5x MSIC, Author, Founder: KettleX & SPRY Method

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone show

Summary: Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast Episode 60 - Lorna Kleidman 3x Kettlebell World Champion, 5x MSIC, author, Founder: KettleX & SPRY Method, & Professional Trainer at Velocity Sports Performance NYC In Episode 60, the Two Fit Crazies had a blast with fitness pro Lorna Kleidman, 3x Kettlebell World Champion, World Record holder for 16kg and 24kg Snatch and 12kg 2-hour Snatch marathon, among others. and creator of KettleX and the SPRY Method! Lorna shares her struggles as a young girl who could barely run or participate in phys ed classes due to her extreme Asthma. She also discusses the years of hard work and grit she put in to climb her way up to hold the title as a world-class athlete. Truly inspirational! As the creator of KettleX, Lorna also reveals the endless possibilities of using Kettlebells to improve all fitness levels through a non-impact, low injury, fully symmetrical workout. In addition, she expounds on her other program, The SPRY Method (Strength, Power, Resistance, & Yoga), a program she believes will anchor and amplify your yoga. Finally, Lorna delves into the sport Kettlebell and discusses her journey to begin competing. Adam Cronin, Lorna’s trainer, and the creator of Kettlebell Concepts saw her potential before introducing her to her Russian Kettlebell coach out of California. In 2007, Lorna competed in her first Kettlebell competition and the rest is history. Snatch, Jerk, Swing, and Clean! Lorna can do it ALL….you will definitely want to pick up those Kettlebells after hearing this episode! Hoist Those Bells! TFC Lorna Kleidman www.lornafit.com www.sprymethod.com Instagram: Lorna Kleidman Also, PLEASE DONATE to help Kirsten race with her dad! Details on donation page and in Episode 48. Please, as always, be sure to subscribe to Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone on iTunes or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. We appreciate the support and it goes a long way in helping us share our message of health and fitness.