Black Lightning Season 1×08 Review Gambi Tears

Super Tuesday Recap - Comic Book & TV Show Reviews show

Summary: %CODE_LIGHTNINGS1E8%<br> <br> This week we learn that Freeland is basically what happens when the government doesn't get checked about the Tuskegee Experiments.  Jefferson and Gambi break up, Anissa trains and saves her father, and Jennifer's powers finally manifest in the lamest way imaginable.<br> <br> Gambi tells a believable story, but we aren't sure if it is true or revisionist history.  Also, Latavius comes back and gives us the refresh to the series we needed with his conversations with LaWanda and the hilarious reactions of the people around him to those conversations.   We also discuss the DCEU's most recent announcement...although we don't hedge bets on how long that news will be accurate cause...well, it IS the DCEU (where are we with that Flash movie again?)<br> <br> Find us on Twitter<br> <br> @TheMTRnetwork<br> <br> @shittybonmots<br> <br> @TheDrIsIn2015<br> <br> @pfunk1130