How to Save Your Marriage with Kimberly Holmes

Marriage Helper Live show

Summary: How To Save Your Marriage In 2016<br><br>It's the start of the new year, and it could also be the start of a new marriage. The same marriage that you fought for last year, but this year, what if it could be different?<br><br>What if it could be new? You're probably thinking, "I've tried standing for my marriage, and nothing is working." I understand. We've been there, too. <br><br>But tonight, we want to encourage you and revitalize your mindset to help you start 2016 strong in standing for your marriage... ...and how you can do that?<br><br>Tune in tonight at 9 pm CST at <a href="http://www.marriageradio" rel="noopener">www.marriageradio</a>.com or by calling in at 646.378.0424. <br><br>If you have a question, press the number 1. Everyone we talk to will be entered into a drawing to receive 50% off the Marriage Helper 911 workshop! (The workshop is never publicly offered at this price) <br><br> Talk to you tonight!