Citizen Of The World with Nathalie Croix, Part 1


Summary: <p class="p1">Nathalie speaks 4 languages, traveled around the world as an Elite model, and started practicing yoga at age 9.<span class="Apple-converted-space">  </span>Did I mention that is barely scratching the surface of her life? </p><br> <p>Currently, Nathalie serves as the Creative Director and founder of <a href="">Shanti Yoga Shala.</a></p><br> <p>She is consistently finding ways to deepen her practice and teachings of yoga, movement and shakti prana energy  through frequent investigation and inspiration from her mentors, her students, the community, animals and nature.</p><br> <p>Nathalie Croix is a E-RYT 500 Hour certified yoga teacher and trainer, has a bachelor’s degree in dance and kinesiology, is a long time yoga practitioner having spent significant time in India during four extensive trips during a period of ten years,  training at the <a href="" target="_blank">Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute.</a>, where she s</p>