Citizen Of The World with Nathalie Croix, Part 2


Summary: <p>Nathalie Croix is a E-RYT 500 Hour certified yoga teacher and trainer, has a bachelor’s degree in dance and kinesiology, is a long time yoga practitioner having spent significant time in India during four extensive trips during a period of ten years,  training at the <a href="" target="_blank">Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute.</a>, where she studied under the guidance of Sri. K. Pattabhi Jois and his grandson Sharath Jois.  Nathalie holds a Reiki certification at the first and second level with the International Center for Reiki Training as well as Rainbow Reiki. She has been practicing yoga for over twenty years and spent a decade on several trips to India to deepen her knowledge of yoga and it’s birth place.</p><br> <p>While in India she learned transcendental meditation In Mysore, with her teacher Professor Narasima, who is a direct disciple of Maharishi Mahesh.</p><br> <p>She later lived and taught for many years in Los Angeles, where she learned and ap</p>