EP 276: Arrow Ballistics with David Hand

The Rich Outdoors show

Summary: <br> Today I am joined by David Hand of Ballistic Arrow Tech and <a href="https://slasharrows.com/">Slash Arrows</a> to chat about arrows and arrow ballistics. David is a Mechanical engineer with over 20 years of bowhunting and holds several patents on arrows used for hunting. David underwent a 5-year study of the ballistics of modern-day high-speed hunting arrows, that included a study at Rice University. In this episode, we talk about arrow ballistics and some of the misnomers in regards to common thoughts behind hunting arrows and arrow flight. We also talk about some of Davids inventions and the process behind the creations.<br> <a href="https://slasharrows.com/collections/arrows">Check out SLASH® INsetBlade® Arrows </a><br>  This episode is brought to you by <a href="https://timetogowild.com/pages/download">GoWild</a> the ultimate app for hunting, fishing and the outdoors. We Actually just had Brad and John from goWild on the show and had a blast getting to know those guys and getting a behind the scenes look at why they built the app and some of the really cool features within the app. <a href="https://timetogowild.com/pages/download">The GoWild app</a> has a ton of cool features but one of the coolest features is the proprietary new scoring system that allows you to enter in your trophies and be scored on much more than just the inches of antler. Their scoring algorithm takes into consideration things like the weapon used, distance of the shot, public or private land. This gives you the ability to compete with your buddies even if he shot his buck with a bow and you shot yours with a rifle. The app also allows you to log time for things like hours scouted, or checking trail cameras. The team over at goWild understands that it’s more than just how many inches of horn a buck has, it is about the whole experience. Go check out the episode we and then go <a href="https://timetogowild.com/pages/download">download the app</a>. Its free and the best part is they do a ton of gear giveaways all the time!<br> Today’s podcast brought to you by <a href="https://solotargets.com/store/">Solo Targets</a>. <a href="https://solotargets.com/store/">Solo Targets</a> are life-sized ultra-realistic 2D targets. I have been obsessed with the solo targets and love the realism of having to pick a spot on an animal and not just shoot a spot. With Solo Targets, you can turn any block target into a realistic hunting scenario for far cheaper than a 3D target. Honestly, I like the realism of the 2D targets overshooting a 3d Target. I also really like that all of the targets are actual life size target which really gives you a feel for looking at that animal at different yardages. I just got the new mule deer buck target and that thing is badass. The target alone will give you buck fever. We set it up in the field with just a small block target behind it which is such a realistic added pressure, if you don’t hit the vitals that arrow is gone. Just that added bit of pressure makes you really hone in on your target. head over to <a href="http://solotargets.com/">solotargets.com</a> and use The Rich Outdoors code TRO to save 20% off your badass target system.<br> This year I launched <a href="https://backcountryfuelbox.com/">Backcountry Fuel Box</a>, a monthly subscription box for backcountry meals, bars, snacks, gues, and all kinds of great new products you have probably never heard of. It is a killer way to test out new options, or just save money by stashing each box for season. Check it out at <a href="http://backcountryfuelbox.com/">backcountryfuelbox.com</a> and save 10% with code TRO.<br> <a href="https://backcountryfuelbox.com/"></a><br> Show Notes:<br><br> Ballistics Expert David Hand – 04:13<br><br> Misnomers about Texas Hunting – 06:13<br><br> David’s Inspiration for Science – 07:58<br><br> David’s Arrow Ballistics Studies – 13:09<br><br>