Early Retirement In The U.S. Vs. Abroad

Finance 101: Your Guide to Investing, Financial Planning, Insurance, College Saving, Financial Independence, and Retirement show

Summary: Do you know how much less money you need for retirement if you retire in Guatemala instead of the U.S.? So many people are working jobs they hate because they need to save a large amount of money for retirement, when if they were to retire abroad, they'd need to save much less. It all comes down to your dreams and goals in life. If your dream is to retire early, then this is the pod for you. Here's the link to the article I read from: http://reachfinancialindependence.com/early-retirement-abroad/ If you would like to watch my free webinar on how to invest for retirement without risking your money in the stock market, go to the link below. This webinar covers the simplest, safest, and most affordable way to invest for retirement. https://www.wholesomefinancial-brentdunn.com/saving-for-retirement-webinar As a way of getting to know more people and build better relationships, I offer a Free 30-Minute Discovery Call. During this call, I am all your to ask any personal finance questions you may have. If you would like help figuring out where to invest your money or whether to pay down debt or invest for retirement, I would love to help! The reason I do this for free is because I know that if I can bring value to you and we can establish a relationship, I will be the first one you call when you or a friend need help making a financial plan. :) Free 30-Minute Discovery Call https://www.wholesomefinancial-brentdunn.com/free30minutediscoverycall Email bdunn@wholesomefinancial.com My Site https://www.wholesomefinancial-brentdunn.com/ FB https://www.facebook.com/Bdunnfinance/ FB Finance 101 Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/finance101group/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/bdunnfinance Insta: https://www.instagram.com/bdunnfinance Linked In http://www.linkedin.com/in/brentdunn1 iTunes Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/finance-101-your-guide-to-investing-financial-planning/id1394097470?mt=2# YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8DNH_48pwKWRQ9LdR_6-bg Stitcher https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/finance-101 Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/brent-wf-dunn