How To Kick Fear To The Curb To Move Your Lash Business Forward

Lessons of a Lashpreneur show

Summary: Lessons of a Lashpreneur Episode 23: How to Kick Fear to the Curb to Move Your Lash Business Forward Fear is your body's way of keeping you safe. It's a survival instinct, you know back when cavemen would be afraid of a dark, ominous cave because there was a real threat it might be occupied by a saber tooth tiger. But does fear in your business serve to protect you or paralyze you from progress? Do you even identify where that fear is coming from and if it's a real threat to your survival (physical or even social) or just a defense mechanism you’ve perfected over time to not rock the boat? Join me on today’s episode to get clarity on where fear may be holding you back from being the Lashpreneur you dream of. If you've been enjoying the Lessons of a Lashpreneur show, I'd love for you to help me spread the word about it and share this video or podcast with a friend, and I would be incredibly honored if you're listening to this as a podcast, if you'd leave a review with what insights and "Lashpreneur Lightbulbs" you've had from this show, I promise I read every single one. Let's make sure that every lash artist in our community has access to the information they're so desperately needing to be empowered to transform their business and life.