Episode 17 | Tina Muir

the morning shakeout podcast show

Summary: "[Putting pressure on myself] is one thing that I found that I did a lot of and I think most runners tend to feel this huge expectation of having to perform. Whereas now, having a daughter, I can say to myself: "You know what? At the end of the day, if I don't run well today, she's not going to care whatsoever. If I run a world record, she doesn't really care; to her, me crossing the finish line is the same whether I run 2:20 in a marathon or 3:50." So I think it's just kind of keeping that reminder that I run because I enjoy it, not because I need to do it to get the reward, or the satisfaction of people complimenting me." It's a pleasure to welcome Tina Muir to the podcast. Muir, a 2:36 marathoner who represented Great Britain at the world half-marathon championships in 2016, gained notoriety last year after announcing that she was going to put her running career on hold after a 9-year battle with amenorrhea. Her story was picked up by Runner's World, ESPNW, and even People magazine, and sparked a conversation—and heightened awareness—around the condition, especially amongst female athletes. In the time since her story broke, Muir has launched a business, Running For Real, and given birth to a baby girl named Bailey. The 29-year-old is eyeing a return to competitive running in the near future. In this episode, we cover a lot of ground, including: — Getting back into running after giving birth to her daughter in January and what she's struggled with since becoming a new mom. — Her decision to "break up" with running last year and the attention it received in the media. — Why she "felt a bit lost" as it related to her running goals after representing Great Britain at the 2016 Half Marathon World Championships. — Reflections on her 9-year battle with amenorrhea and why it's long been a taboo topic amongst female athletes. — Her advice for women who find themselves in a similar situation. — How she felt about her identity—and body image—after she made the decision to stop running. — What she'll do differently as she gets back into training—and her competitive goals for the future. — Dealing with pressure—both external and self-induced—as an athlete and how she's learned to develop a better perspective in that regard. — The decision to start sharing her training on Strava when she got back into running earlier this year. — The disconnect that exists between elite runners and many middle and back-of-the-packers, and what can be done to close the gap. — How her own Running For Real podcast has evolved over the past few years and what she looks for in a potential guest. — A whole lot more. This was a great conversation that touched on a wide range of topics from personal to professional and then some. I appreciate Tina's openness in sharing her experiences with others and I think you'll enjoy the honest insights she provides on her various triumphs, struggles, and the sport of running in general. This episode of the morning shakeout podcast was edited by John Isaac at BaresRecords.com. Complete show notes here: https://www.themorningshakeout.com/podcast-episode-17-with-tina-muir/ Sign up here to get the morning shakeout email newsletter delivered to your inbox every Tuesday morning: www.themorningshakeout.com/subscribe/ Support the morning shakeout on Patreon: www.patreon.com/themorningshakeout