Episode 13: Broccoli lattes, robot ecologists, and a new hope against the feline menace

Interronauts show

Summary: Interronauts' nine month hiatus is abatus and we're back! This episode, Sarah Frazer joins the roster to talk about our robot ecologists in the Amazon,  the plan to augment feral cats into all-male clowders, the use of ugly veggies into delightful powders for your coffee, and researchers' best attempt yet at weighing all life on Earth. This time Jesse's on production, but the sound will improve. Koala bear with us. Give us a rating on iTunes. (Not on this episode's sound quality, though) Find the show notes at our blog | Send us a message or follow us on Facebook | Follow us on Twitter | Instagram | Or send us an email: socialmedia@csiro.au.