Episode 68: Fitness is a Feminist Issue with Sam and Tracy

Purposeful Strength Podcast show

Summary: Samantha Brennan and Tracy Isaac decided two year ago, before each of their 50th birthdays, that they were going to become the fittest they had ever been! They wanted to document the process through a blog and titled it, Fitness is a Feminist Issue. As philosophers by trade, they saw this fitness journey not only as taking a physical challenge but a way in which to examine fitness as it relates to feminist issues. The blog became so popular that they decided to turn their journey into a book titled "Fit at Midlife". In this podcast we explore a lot of the pieces of their journey; how their definition of fitness has changed and many of the feminist issues they have explored along the way. To hear more from these ladies you can check out the links to read their blog and or purchase their book. https://fitisafeministissue.com https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1771641673/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1771641673&linkCode=as2&tag=fitfeminists-20&linkId=072691ef76b3aba1383bfdaca70b2176