Make Better New Year's Resolutions

Transforming Monday show

Summary: 70% Of New Year's Resolutions Fail True.   Seven out of ten of you who make resolutions will be back to your old you by February 1st, if not sooner. Why? Simple...they're too vague, they're too big, and you don't have a plan.  And a goal without a plan is just a wish... ....and you know what wishing will get you. This year, do it differently.  Take a little time to give yourself an honest self-evaluation.  Honestly reflect and think about what you want 2014 to bring...then.. make a plan on how you're going to get there. Make them flexible, be ready to edit them as time passes...don't get stuck on a single path as running into roadblocks can lead you to giving up on what you really want. Between now and New Year's Eve, I'm offering a free 30 minute coaching call to assist you in doing just that.  Consider it my holiday gift to you.  Just send me and email at, visit us at, or tweet me at, and I'll make sure you hit the ground running in 2014.   Tonight's sponsor: Qivana.  Lose the weight you want and keep it off.  Check out their products and, if getting healthy is your goal, let me know how I can assist you.